AVERAGEIF: Google Sheets Formulas Explained

As a marketer, I can't stress enough how important it is to have a basic understanding of Google Sheets formulas. Not only do they save valuable time, but they also help us make informed decisions by extracting meaningful insights from our data. And one of the most versatile formulas in Google Sheets is AVERAGEIF.

AVERAGEIF is a function that calculates the average of a range of cells based on a specified criteria. For example, let's say you want to know the average monthly sales of a particular product. You can use AVERAGEIF to calculate the average sales for each month that meets your criteria.

How to Use AVERAGEIF in Google Sheets

Let's dive into an example to see how AVERAGEIF works:

Imagine you are a marketer at a company that produces various snack foods. You want to find out the average sales for each type of product sold in the first quarter of the year. Here are the steps to complete this task using AVERAGEIF function:

  1. Open a new Google Sheet and enter the data you want to analyze into the cells. In this example, you may have columns with product names, Q1 sales data, and more.
  2. Click on an empty cell where you want the AVERAGEIF formula to appear, and type the formula: =AVERAGEIF(range, criteria, [average_range])
  3. Replace "range" with the column containing the data you want to analyze
  4. Replace "criteria" with the specific criteria that you are looking for; in this example, it would be the product type
  5. Replace "average_range" with the column you want to calculate the average of; in this example, it would be the Q1 sales data column
  6. Press Enter to complete the formula and find the average sales data

And that's it! You now have the average sales data for each type of snack food sold in the first quarter.

Advanced AVERAGEIF Functions

While the basic AVERAGEIF function is incredibly useful, there are some advanced uses of this formula that can help you gain even deeper insights from your data. Let's take a look at a few:


AVERAGEIFS is a plural version of AVERAGEIF, where you can specify multiple criteria. For example, let's say you want to find out the average sales for a particular product in a specific region, during a particular time period. You can use AVERAGEIFS to specify all three criteria at the same time, and get more accurate and precise data.

AVERAGEIF with Wildcards

You can use wildcard characters like "*" and "?" to specify criteria in AVERAGEIF function. The "*" character represents any combination of characters, while "?" represents any single character. For example, if you want to find out the average sales for all products that contain a particular word (like "cookie") in the product name, you can use the following formula:

=AVERAGEIF(A2:A10, "*cookie*", B2:B10)

This will calculate the average of all sales data in column B, where the corresponding row in column A contains the word "cookie".


Understanding Google Sheets formulas like AVERAGEIF is integral to the success of any marketer who needs to analyze data on a regular basis. The AVERAGEIF formula can be used in a variety of scenarios, and it's worth taking the time to learn the advanced functions to unlock even more insights from your data.

So go ahead, give AVERAGEIF function a try, and be amazed at how it can help you make smarter decisions for your marketing campaigns!

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