DELTA: Google Sheets Formulas Explained – Take Your Spreadsheets to the Next Level

Are you tired of manually calculating your numbers on Google Sheets? Do you want to take your spreadsheet game to the next level? Look no further, because I’ve got you covered with some of the best Google Sheets formulas you need to know.

As someone who’s always looking for ways to make my job easier and more efficient, I’ve spent hours researching and testing various formulas on Google Sheets. And now, I’m excited to share my top picks with you – try them out and see for yourself how they can revolutionize the way you work with data!


First things first, let’s start with the basics. The SUM formula is one of the most commonly used formulas on Google Sheets – it simply adds up the selected range of cells. Similarly, the AVERAGE formula calculates the average of the selected cells.

The MAX formula helps you to find the highest value in a selected range, while the MIN formula does the opposite and finds the smallest value. These formulas are simple yet powerful – they can save you a ton of time and effort when calculating large data sets.

The Magic of IF Statements

IF statements are one of the most powerful formulas on Google Sheets, and one of my personal favorites. IF statements allow you to automate decision-making in your spreadsheets.

For example, let’s say you have a table of sales data with the product, quantity sold, and the price per unit. You want to apply a discount to all sales of a certain product to encourage more sales. You can use an IF statement to apply a discount to only the sales of that product, and leave all other sales unchanged.

The correct code will look like this:

=IF(A2="Product A",$C2*0.9,$C2)

This formula will check if the product in cell A2 is “Product A”, and if it is true, it will apply a 10% discount to the price in cell C2. If it’s not true, it will leave the price unchanged.

VLOOKUP – Easy Access to Larger Datasets

Let’s say you have a table of 500 products with their prices, descriptions, and manufacturers. You want to create a new table that only shows the products from a specific manufacturer. Instead of manually going through the entire list or applying a filter, you can use the VLOOKUP formula.


This formula will return the value of the third column (the price) in the row where the value “Apple” is found in the first column (the manufacturer), in the range between cells A2 to C500.

COUNTIF – Count the Occurrence of Specific Values

Another formula that I find incredibly useful is COUNTIF. This formula allows you to count the number of times a specific value appears in a selected range.

For example, you have a table with the names and email addresses of your customers. You want to know how many of them are from a specific state or country. You can use the COUNTIF formula to count the number of occurrences of that particular state or country in the designated column.

=COUNTIF(B2:B100,"New York")

This formula will count the number of times "New York" appears in column B2 to B100.


Google Sheets formulas can seem intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of them, they can save you a lot of time and effort in your daily work. Whether you’re a data analyst, a marketer, or just someone who works with numbers, these formulas can help you take your spreadsheets to the next level and turn you into a Google Sheets wizard.

Try out these formulas and see how they can revolutionize the way you work with data. And of course, if you have any other favorites that I missed, feel free to share in the comments below!

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