FV: Google Sheets Formulas Explained

Hey there! As a marketer, I've learned that every second counts. From campaigns to content creation, time management is key. That is why I can’t help but obsess over Google Sheets. It's the ultimate tool for organizing data efficiently and creating visually stunning spreadsheets.

Are you tired of manually calculating your data? Do you want to improve your productivity? Then keep reading to discover the best Google Sheets formulas that will streamline your work and leave you more time to focus on the bigger picture.

The Basics

Before diving into the more advanced formulas, it’s essential to understand the basics. First thing’s first, make sure that you use the correct syntax. Here's a quick example:


The formula above will calculate the sum of the cells from A1 to A10. Start by typing an equal sign (=) followed by the name of the formula and the argument in parentheses.

Next, let's take a look at some of the basic formulas:

  • SUM: adds up a range of cells
  • AVERAGE: calculates the average of a range of cells
  • Min/Max: returns the minimum/maximum value in a range of cells
  • COUNT: counts the number of cells containing a number
  • COUNTA: counts the number of cells containing anything (e.g., text, numbers, dates, and formulas)

By combining these basic formulas, you'll be able to perform most of the calculations you'll ever need in Google Sheets.

Advanced Formulas

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s take a closer look at some advanced formulas that will help you level up your data game.


Have you ever wanted to control what appears in a cell based on its value? The IF formula allows you to do exactly that. Here’s an example:

=IF(A1>10, "Too high", "Just right")

The formula above checks if the value in cell A1 is greater than 10. If it is, the formula returns "Too high", and if not, it returns "Just right".

The IFERROR formula works similarly to IF but allows you to specify a value to be returned in case of an error. This formula is particularly useful when dealing with formulas that tend to return errors, such as VLOOKUP or INDEX.


The VLOOKUP formula is a powerful tool for finding and retrieving data from a table. With this formula, you can search for a specific value in the leftmost column of a table and retrieve the corresponding value from any column to the right. Here’s an example:


This formula search for the value in cell A1 in the leftmost column of the table from column A to C. The "3" indicates the column number of the value that you want to retrieve (in this case, column C).

The HLOOKUP formula works in a similar way, but searches for a specific value in the top row of a table and retrieves the corresponding value from any row below it.


The ARRAYFORMULA formula allows you to apply any formula to an entire range of cells automatically. This way, you can save hours of manual work and ensure that your formulas are consistent across your data.

For example, let's say you need to calculate the commission for each sales rep based on their sales. You would use the formula:


Instead of copying and pasting this formula for every cell, you can use ARRAYFORMULA to apply the formula to the entire column:



And there you have it, my top Google Sheets formulas that will save you time and increase your productivity. Remember that practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to experiment with these formulas and see how they can fit into your workflow. Keep in mind that there are many more formulas out there, and Google Sheets is constantly improving to help you work better and smarter.

If you have any favorite formulas, let me know in the comments below. Happy spreadsheeting!

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