VLOOKUP: Excel Formulas Explained

Excel is a powerful tool that can help you manage and analyze data quickly and efficiently. One of the most useful functions in Excel is the VLOOKUP formula, which enables you to match data from different worksheets and tables based on a common column. In this article, I will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use VLOOKUP, explain how it works, and showcase some practical examples of how you can use it to streamline your work and boost your productivity.

What is VLOOKUP?

VLOOKUP stands for vertical lookup and is a function in Microsoft Excel that allows you to lookup and retrieve data from a table or range of data based on a specific identifier. VLOOKUP works by searching for the identifier value (known as the lookup value) in the leftmost column of a table and returning the value in the same row of a specified column to the right.

For example, let's say you have two tables: one with a list of employees and their salaries and another with a list of departments and their managers. You can use VLOOKUP to match the employees' departments with the corresponding managers by looking up their department name in the second table and returning the manager's name.

How to Use VLOOKUP

Using VLOOKUP is simple and straightforward. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Set up your data

The first step is to arrange your data in a way that will work with VLOOKUP. You need two tables of data: one that contains the lookup value you want to use to retrieve data and another that contains the data you want to retrieve. The lookup value must be in the leftmost column of the second table.

Step 2: Write the VLOOKUP formula

The next step is to write the VLOOKUP formula. The syntax of the formula is as follows:


  • lookup_value: the value you want to lookup
  • table_array: the range of cells that contains the data you want to retrieve, including the lookup column
  • col_index_num: the number of the column you want to retrieve data from, counting from the leftmost column as 1
  • range_lookup: a logical value that specifies whether to return an exact match or an approximate match. Use FALSE for exact match and TRUE (or omitted) for approximate match

For example, if you want to retrieve the department of an employee based on their name, and your employee table starts in cell A2 and goes down to A10, and your department table starts in cell C2 and goes down to D7, your VLOOKUP formula would look like this:


This formula tells Excel to lookup the value in cell A2 in the leftmost column of the range C2:D7, and return the value from the second column of that range.

Practical Examples of VLOOKUP

Now that you know how VLOOKUP works and how to use it, let me show you some practical examples of how you can apply it to common scenarios:

Example 1: Grade Lookup

Suppose you have a table of students' names and grades, and you want to lookup the grade of a specific student based on their name. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Create a table with the list of student names and their corresponding grades, with the names in the first column and the grades in the second column.
  2. In another cell, type the name of the student you want to lookup.
  3. Write the VLOOKUP formula using the student name as the lookup value, the grade table as the table array, 2 as the column index number (since the grade is in the second column), and FALSE as the range lookup (to ensure an exact match).

Your formula should look something like this:


Where B2 is the cell containing the name of the student you want to look up, and A2:B7 is the range of cells containing the student names and grades.

Example 2: Inventory Management

Suppose you run a small business that sells widgets, and you have a table of inventory levels and prices. You want to create an invoice for a customer, and you need to lookup the price of each widget they ordered based on the item number. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Create a table with the list of item numbers, prices, and inventory levels, with the item numbers in the first column, prices in the second column, and inventory levels in the third column.
  2. For each item on the invoice, type the item number in a cell.
  3. Write the VLOOKUP formula using the item number as the lookup value, the price table as the table array, 2 as the column index number (since the price is in the second column), and FALSE as the range lookup (to ensure an exact match).

Your formula should look something like this:


Where B2 is the cell containing the item number you want to look up, and A2:C7 is the range of cells containing the item numbers, prices, and inventory levels.


VLOOKUP is a powerful and versatile function in Excel that can help you streamline your data management and analysis tasks. By understanding how it works and how to use it, you can save time and improve your productivity at work or home. I hope this article has given you a good introduction to VLOOKUP and inspired you to explore its potential further.

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