How to Auto Sum in Google Sheets: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you a frequent user of Google Sheets? Do you need to perform calculations quickly and accurately? Well, you're in luck! In this guide, I'll show you how to auto sum in Google Sheets, making your life easier and your work more productive.

Step 1: Highlight the Cells You Want to Add Up

First things first, you need to select the cells you want to sum up. You can do this manually by clicking once on the first cell and dragging your mouse down to the last cell you want to add. Or, you can use the keyboard and click once on the first cell and then while holding down the SHIFT key, click on the last cell you want to add. Once you've chosen your cells, the cell range should be highlighted.

Step 2: Find the Auto Sum Button

Now, you need to find the Auto Sum button in the toolbar located above your spreadsheet. It's represented by the Greek letter Σ (sigma). Alternatively, you can find it in the Functions List located in the toolbar. Just click on the "fx" icon in the toolbar to access the Functions List, and then type "sum" in the search bar to find the auto sum function.

Step 3: Click the Auto Sum Button

Once you've located the Auto Sum button, click it. Google Sheets will automatically insert a formula into the cell below your selected range and add up the values highlighted. The cell formula will automatically update to match any changes you make to the selected cells, making your calculations more accurate and efficient.

Step 4: Manually Adjust Your Calculation

If for some reason, Google Sheets does not sum up the correct cell range, you can always adjust the calculation formula manually. Just click on the cell with the formula and change the cell range to match the cells you'd like to sum. This can be done by typing in the cell range, editing the range within the formula, or by simply dragging the corners of the formula cell range to include any additional cells.

Step 5: Use Auto Sum in Combination with Other Functions

One of the best parts of using Auto Sum in Google Sheets is that you can combine it with other functions to help you speed up and automate your calculations. Here are some examples:


You can find the average of a selected range of cells by clicking on the fx button in the toolbar, searching for "average," selecting the cells you want to find the average of, and pressing enter. Alternatively, you can type "=average(" and then select the cells you want to average.

Max and Min:

Similarly, you can find the maximum and minimum values in a range of cells by clicking on the fx button in the toolbar, searching for "max" or "min," selecting the range of cells, and pressing enter. Alternatively, you can type "max(" or "min(" and then select the cells you want.

Combined Function:

Finally, you can combine multiple functions with Auto Sum to create complex formulas. For example, you can use Auto Sum together with the average function to find the average of the sum of multiple ranges. Simply type "=average(sum(range1),sum(range2))" to find the average of the sums of two different ranges of cells.


And there you have it! A step-by-step guide on how to use Auto Sum in Google Sheets. With this nifty tool, you can quickly and accurately sum up ranges of cells, making it easier to perform calculations and automate your work. Remember, you can also combine Auto Sum with other functions to increase its functionality. So go out there and become a Google Sheets wizard!

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