How to Change Row Height in Excel: A Step by Step Guide

There's nothing more frustrating than trying to read data in an Excel spreadsheet when the rows are squished together. Luckily, changing the row height in Excel is a simple process that will make your life easier. In this step-by-step guide, I'll show you how to change row height in Excel. Let's dive in!

Step 1: Select the rows you want to change the height of

The first thing you need to do is select the rows that you want to change the height of. You can do this by clicking on the row number on the left of the spreadsheet. If you want to select multiple rows, click and drag on the row numbers to select them all.

Step 2: Right-click on the selected rows

Once you've selected the rows you want to change the height of, right-click on one of the selected rows. This will bring up a menu with a variety of options.

Step 3: Click on "Row Height"

In the menu that appears, click on "Row Height". This will bring up the "Row Height" dialog box.

Step 4: Enter the desired row height

In the "Row Height" dialog box, you'll see a box labeled "Row height". Enter the desired row height in this box.

Excel uses a measurement unit called "points" to measure row height. One point is equal to 1/72 of an inch, so keep that in mind when selecting your row height. If you're not sure what number to enter, try starting with 20 points and adjust from there.

Step 5: Click "OK"

Once you've entered the desired row height, click "OK". Excel will apply the new row height to all the selected rows.

Pro tip: Adjust row height automatically to fit content

If you don't want to manually adjust row height every time you add data to your spreadsheet, Excel has a handy feature that allows you to automatically adjust row height to fit the content in the cells. Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Select the rows you want to adjust the height of

Just like in the previous steps, select the rows you want to adjust the height of. Then right-click on one of the selected rows to bring up the menu.

Step 2: Click on "AutoFit Row Height"

In the menu that appears, click on "AutoFit Row Height". Excel will adjust the row height to fit the content in each cell in the selected rows.

Final thoughts

And that's it! Changing row height in Excel is a piece of cake. Remember to select your rows, right-click, choose "Row Height", enter the desired height, and click "OK". And if you want to save time and adjust row height automatically to fit content, use the "AutoFit Row Height" feature.

Thanks for reading, and happy Excel-ing!

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