How to Split Names in Google Sheets: A Step-by-Step Guide

For anyone who has ever had to sort or filter a long list of names in Google Sheets, you know how frustrating it can be when the first and last names are all in one column. Luckily, there's an easy solution - splitting names into separate columns!

But how do you split names in Google Sheets? Don't worry, it's simple, and I'm here to guide you through it step-by-step. Whether you're a spreadsheet novice or a more experienced user, you'll be up and running in no time.

Step 1: Make Sure Your Data is Organized

The first step, before you start splitting names, is to make sure your data is organized. Ideally, your list should have a header row with labels for each column, including "First Name" and "Last Name." If your data isn't organized this way, you'll need to do some rearranging before you can proceed.

Step 2: Create a New Column

Now that your data is organized, it's time to create a new column for the first name. Click on the column to the right of the "Last Name" column and select "Insert 1 right" from the context menu. This will create a new empty column for your first names.

Step 3: Use the Split Function to Extract First Names

Next, you'll use the "Split" function to extract the first names from your full name column. In the cell next to the first name column, type the following formula:

=split(B2," ")

Replace "B2" with the cell reference for the first name in your data. This formula tells Google Sheets to split the contents of cell B2 into separate values, based on the space between the first and last names. The resulting values will be placed in separate cells in the row.

Step 4: Copy the Formula to Fill in the Rest of the Column

Now that you have successfully split the first and last names in the first row, you can copy the formula to fill in the rest of the column. To do this, you can drag the small square at the bottom right corner of the first cell down to the last cell in the column. This will copy the formula from the first cell and apply it to the rest of the cells in the column.

Step 5: Repeat Steps 2-4 for the Last Name Column

Now that you have successfully split the first names, it's time to do the same for the last names. Follow the same steps as before, but this time create a new column to the right of the first name column, and use the following formula:

=split(C2," ")

Replace "C2" with the cell reference for the full name in your data. This formula tells Google Sheets to split the contents of cell C2 into separate values based on the space between the first and last name. The resulting values will be placed in separate cells in the row. Copy the formula down the entire column, as you did with the first name column.

Step 6: You're Done!

That's it! You've successfully split the first and last names in your Google Sheets document. You can now sort and filter your data by first name, last name, or any other criteria you choose.

Splitting names in Google Sheets is a simple but powerful trick that can save you time and energy when working with large amounts of data. With this step-by-step guide, you'll be a spreadsheet pro in no time!

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