Growth Multiple: Explained

What is it, how to calculate it, formula, why it's important

Hey there, fellow finance enthusiasts! If you’re anything like me, you love a good financial ratio breakdown. That’s why I’m here to break down the growth multiple ratio. I know, I know, you’re thinking “ANOTHER ratio??” But trust me, this one is essential to know - it’s a powerful tool for investors and business leaders alike.

The growth multiple (GM) ratio measures a company’s growth potential by comparing its price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) to its earnings growth rate. Essentially, it calculates how much a company’s investors are willing to pay for each unit of earnings growth. It’s a simple yet powerful way to determine how the market values a company’s potential growth.

Calculating Growth Multiple

So, let's get down to the math. The equation for growth multiple is:

Growth Multiple = P/E Ratio/Earnings Growth Rate

Let’s say a company has a P/E ratio of 30 and an earnings growth rate of 20%. If we plug those numbers into the equation, we get:

Growth Multiple = 30/20% = 1.5

So, the company’s investors are willing to pay 1.5 times the company’s current earnings for each unit of earnings growth it generates.

What Does Growth Multiple Tell Us?

Now that we know how to calculate growth multiple, let's look at what it tells us. If a company has a high growth multiple, it means that investors are optimistic about its future growth potential. On the other hand, a low growth multiple indicates that investors are skeptical of its growth prospects.

Additionally, comparing a company’s growth multiple to its peers can provide insights into its relative growth potential. If a company has a higher growth multiple than its competitors, it may be considered a better growth opportunity.

Limitations of Growth Multiple

Of course, every ratio has its limitations. Growth multiple is no exception. One limitation is that it assumes a constant growth rate, which is rarely the case in real-world scenarios. Additionally, it doesn’t account for the company’s debt, dividend payouts, or any other factors that affect its earnings.

Despite its limitations, growth multiple is still a valuable tool for assessing a company’s growth potential. By tracking changes in growth multiple over time, investors can gain a sense of changing market sentiment towards a particular company.

Putting Growth Multiple to Use

Okay, now that we’ve covered the basics of growth multiple, let’s talk about how to put it into practice. As an investor, you can use growth multiple to identify companies with high growth potential relative to their current market price. Look for companies with a low P/E ratio and a high earnings growth rate, to calculate the company’s growth multiple to see whether it’s undervalued by the market.

As a business leader, you can use growth multiple to guide your strategic decisions. If your company has a low growth multiple, it may be a sign that investors aren’t confident in your growth prospects. In this case, you may need to re-evaluate your business strategy or communicate your growth potential more clearly to the market.


Growth multiple is a simple yet powerful ratio that measures a company's growth potential. It compares the price-to-earnings ratio to the earnings growth rate to determine how much investors are willing to pay for each unit of earnings growth. While limitations exist, growth multiple can still provide valuable insights for investors and business leaders alike. So, make sure to add it to your financial ratio toolkit - your future self will thank you!

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