We didn’t change our marketing strategy or start running paid ads. It’s the same platform with the same organic traffic as before, just targeted towards a slightly different customer persona… Our flagship is and always will be our $79 one-time Founder Plan that gives founders and small business owners the tools and education they need to DYI build an investor-ready financial model. The key difference between our $79 Founder Plan and our $749 Premium Plan is who does the heavy lifting. Rather than DYI (building models themselves), our Premium Plan customers engage with our team of modeling experts to build bespoke models on their behalf with a < 7 day delivery turnaround.
Over the past 6 months we’ve helped countless founders and small businesses around the globe by building financial models on their behalf. Our Premium clientele walk away from a 7-day engagement with a one of a kind financial model, life time license to a state of the art software platform, and most importantly confidence...confidence in their numbers and core assumptions that drive their business…and confidence to raise money from investors or third party lenders.
The best part? You can replicate our same success and add $10K+ per month to your agency or consulting practice by offering financial modeling services with our Consultant Pro or Agency Max Plans.
You might be thinking, “but… I’m not great with financials and financial modeling”. Transparently, I was NOT the financial modeling whiz I am today when we first founded Sturppy. Just like anything in life, it takes coaching and experience to grow your financial modeling muscle. That’s why we’ve bundled the Consultant Pro and Agency Max plans with a hands on live training and certification course.
Whether you’re an individual earner, agency, or massive corporation, diversifying the value you offer and building multiple revenue streams are twin keys to growing revenue and wealth. Start your journey with Sturppy today!
Got questions? Hit me up on Twitter or shoot me an email at john.ladaga@sturppy.com