Sponsorship Revenue Model: Explained

What is it, how to calculate it, formula, why it's important

Hey there! As a CFO of a company, I know how important it is to generate revenue. There are many ways to do that, but one of the most lucrative ways is through sponsorships. I’ve learned a lot about sponsorships and want to give you the scoop on how they work.

What is a sponsorship?

A sponsorship is when a company pays to be associated with another company or event. The company that pays for the sponsorship is the sponsor, and the company or event that receives the sponsorship is the sponsored party. Sponsorships are a form of advertising that can help companies reach a wider audience and increase brand recognition.

Why is a sponsorship important?

A sponsorship is important because it can provide a significant revenue stream for a company. Sponsorships can help a company fund an event or project that they may not have been able to afford otherwise. In addition, sponsorships can help a company gain valuable exposure and brand recognition.

Types of sponsorships

There are many types of sponsorships out there, but they can be broken down into a few categories:

  • Sports sponsorships: When a company sponsors a sports team or event. Examples include Nike sponsoring the NBA or Visa sponsoring the Olympics.
  • Entertainment sponsorships: When a company sponsors a concert or festival. Examples include Coca-Cola sponsoring the Coachella music festival or Pepsi sponsoring the Super Bowl Halftime Show.
  • Charitable sponsorships: When a company sponsors a charity or non-profit organization. Examples include Johnson & Johnson sponsoring the American Red Cross or PepsiCo Foundation sponsoring the Global FoodBanking Network.

How do sponsorships work?

When a company decides to sponsor another company or event, they negotiate a sponsorship agreement. This agreement outlines what the sponsored party will provide in return for the sponsorship.

For example, if Nike sponsors the NBA, they may pay the NBA a certain amount of money in return for the right to use NBA logos and branding in their advertising. In addition, the NBA may agree to display Nike advertisements at games.

It’s important to note that not all sponsorships involve money. Sometimes, companies will provide goods or services in lieu of cash payments. For example, if a company sponsors a charity walk, they may provide t-shirts or food for the participants in lieu of a cash donation.

How to get a sponsorship

If you’re interested in getting a sponsorship for your company or event, you’ll need to do some work. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Create a sponsorship proposal: This should outline what you’re looking for in a sponsorship and what you can offer in return.
  2. Identify potential sponsors: Look for companies that would be a good fit for your event or project.
  3. Reach out to potential sponsors: Send them your proposal and follow up with a phone call or email.
  4. Negotiate the sponsorship agreement: Once you’ve found a sponsor that’s interested in working with you, you’ll need to negotiate the terms of the sponsorship agreement.


Well, there you have it, folks! A quick rundown of sponsorships and how they work. Remember, sponsorship revenue models can be a great way to generate revenue and increase brand recognition. With a little bit of effort, you can secure a sponsorship for your company or event.

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